Friday, December 21, 2018

On the Cusp

As Chanukah comes to a close we look forward to our next holiday, Tu B'Shevat with...irreverence. Traditionally, there's a tree planting and a 'seudah', if one can call it that.

The truth is, even as an observant Jew I never really got into it. But I'm cultivating a new version of myself. Tu B'Shevat, which takes place in the winter, isn't just a time to plant new trees, it's also a time to consider which branches need to be trimmed. What growth occurred in the last year will increase productivity and which could create problems down the line.

This is the time to consider our reserves and plan for the new cycle.

So, here's a list of five things we're hoping to prune from our lives this year:

We're working on a capsule wardrobe for the boys. I've already been working on my 'modules' for my own clothes, but now I want to do it for kids too! I'll update when I do!
    Less toy clutter, more toy inspiration. I'm not enthusiastic about Montessori, maybe I'll tell that story some day, but the take away is that I believe that the bigger the mess, the more has been learned.  Additionally, I really want to veer my kids outside. For my two (so far) diagnosed ADHD kiddos, it's so important that they're able to exercise and expend they're impressive gross motor energy. Fiddling with tiny toys inside generally only creates stress, frustration and fights in our household.

    one of these days I'll figure out a meal plan that's both specific and can happen, right? Right?!? Since we've moved to Texas we've been in varying degrees of crisis mode. We're in our own home now, but we're still building our house and we're always shifting. This results in crisis-mode shopping and we end up with a random and unplanned surplus of foods.

    giving in 
    I love my kids, but I fear them more sometimes. The truth is, I often excuse my emotional retreat in tricky parenting situations with the idiom 'pick your battles,' but I use this as a crutch way, way too often. In order to let my little shoots grow in a healthy way, I can't let them bend. It's on me to steadfastly guide them, even if they start to wander.

    I love school supplies. I have serious soft spot for journals. I fawn over colorful, gliding pens. And then I buy them. I write in them for a week. Or maybe two. And then I return to my laptop, where everything is neat and my brain doesn't have to slow down to match my hand...This is the part of me that's not a millennial at all (I'm on the cusp anyway) and it's time to embrace this century. On top of that, I'm adore magazines and I prefer paper bills. I know. I'm pretty much just sixty year old living inside of a thirty three year old body...but it's time to live my age!! So, no more useless paper. It's in the computer!

    What are ya'll doing to improve your growth this year?